Main and recent works (majority international; all single/first author)
- Interaction Equivalency in an OER, MOOCS and Informal Learning Era, Journal of Interactive Media in Education (JIME), 2013, UK
- Gender Difference in ICT: Preliminary Research on Computer-Based Speaking and Writing Test, International Conference of Media Education (ICoME) 2013, Nagoya, 9-11, August.
- Interaction Equivalency in the OER and Informal Learning, Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) 2013 Annual Conference, Oslo, 12-15 June, 2013, pp. 417-426.
- An Exploratory Study on Blog Visualization and Learners’ Reactions in an Online Learning Community, Journal of Educational Media and Research, 19(1), 35-46, 2012.
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing Implementation in Global Engineering Education and its Future Implications, Engineering Education, 2013, forthcoming
- Interaction Equivalency Theorem: The 64-Interaction Design Model and its Significance in Online Teaching, The 26th AAOU 2012 proceedings paper (CD-ROM, no page number), Makuhari, Japan
- Visualizing Blogs: “To-do-or-not-to-do dilemma” in EAP Writing Online, EUROCALL 2012 proceedings paper
- Around the World in 45 Minutes – Global Perspectives on Distance Education: Japan, DTL 2012 proceedings paper (invited panel)
- The obscure profile of distance learning in Japan, DTL 2012 proceedings paper (originally written in late 2010-early 2011).
- Anonymity in Blended Learning: Who Would You Like to Be?, IEEE-JETS (Journal of Educational Technology & Society), Vol.14, Issue 2, pp.175-187, 2011
- Getting the Mix Right Once Again: A Peek into the Interaction Equivalency Theorem and Interaction Design. ALT Online News Letter.
- Viewing and Participating: Blog Visualization and its Learning Outcomes in Blended Learning, 2011 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference: Communicating Sustainability proceedings paper
- The Interaction Equivalency Theorem: Research Potential and its Application to Teaching, The 27th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning Proceedings, 2011
- The Interaction Equivalency Theorem, JIOL (Journal of Interactive Online Learning), Summer 2010, 94-104
- Empirical Research on Learners’ Perceptions: Interaction Equivalency Theorem in Blended Learning, EURODL (European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning), 2010.04.27
- Discuss, reflect, and collaborate: A qualitative analysis of forum, blog, and wiki use in an EFL blended learning course, Elsevier Procedia, EuroCALL 2010 proceedings.
- Learning outcomes and students’ perceptions of online writing: Simultaneous implementation of a forum, blog, and wiki in an EFL blended learning setting, System, 38(2), 185-199, 2010 June. (+Erratum)
- Learning styles and gender online: The Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning Scale (ATTLS) and the Classroom Community Scale (CCS), ED-MEDIA 2010 World Conference Proceedings (in Toronto), 3413-3422, 2010
- Sense of Class Community in an LMS-based Blended Learning in a Japanese University Context, ED-MEDIA 2009 World Conference Proceedings (in Honolulu), 75, 67-72, 2009
- Quality in distance education: a macro-analysis of recent trends and issues, International Journal of Media Education and Technology, 2/15-26, 2008
- Objectivism vs. Constructivism re-visited: An Interpretation in online and distance learning environments, Educational Studies (ICU Journal), 50/189-200, 2008 (equals to peer-reviewed journal)
- Educational technology: An overview of the field and current issues , Journal of Social Science (ICU COE Special Issue), 39-65, 2008 (equals to peer-reviewed journal)
- LMS-based EFL blended learning: Blackboard vs. Moodle, JALT 2007 International Conference Proceedings and further The Language Teacher, 745-754, 2008
- オンライン教員研修に関する事例研究:メディア教育の視点から, JAEMS 13th National Conference Proceedings, Tokyo: JAEMS (日本教育メディア学会) 大会要綱, 2-5, 2007
- Time Management as a Quality Factor in Distance Education: From a Learner’s Perspective, The 22nd JSET (日本教育工学会) 全国大会要綱, 1115-1116, 2006
- 英語ライティング指導におけるコンピュータを介した非同期的コミュニケーションに関する実証研究, LET (外国語教育メディア学会) 第46回全国大会 発表要綱 (CD-ROM edition), 335-344, 2006
- 生涯教育への提言:自分らしい生き方を求めて, 日本大学通信教育部創設50周年記念懸賞論文集(優秀賞), vi-vii, 14-18, 日本大学, 1998
- 日本におけるe-learning: 英語教育の視点から、『シンポジウム 多言語によるe-learning日本語学習メディアを考える 報告書』、日本大学通信教育部主催、(79-90/139-146)、2010
- ミルンの世界III/文と挿絵の一体性について (PDF download CiNii), 江戸川女子短期大学紀要, 13/118-129, 1998